The OMNIPLaNT Study 1

Welcome to The OMNIPLaNT Study!

Thank you for volunteering to take part in The OMNIPLaNT Study! The following questions are designed to gather general information about you, your dietary behaviours and attitudes. 

This questionnaire should take ~20 mins to complete.

Please read the participant information sheet on the next page and if you are happy to continue, provide consent by selecting yes to each consent question.

Please answer each question honestly, and remember that all answers will be anonymised by the research team, and kept private and secured.

This questionnaire is the first part of The OMNIPLaNT Study, you may be contacted to complete the next stage(s) in due course. If you would like any further information regarding any of the parts of our study, then feel free to get in touch at: | 07306148038


If you would prefer a paper copy of the questionnaire, please contact the research team using the details above and we can post a copy to your address.