Thank you for agreeing to take part in this survey. Your answers will be kept anonymous and used for research purposes only.
There are no right or wrong answers – the purpose of the research is to find out what you think, so please answer the questions as fully and as honestly as possible. All completed questionnaires will be treated as confidential and will be used only for research and evaluation purposes; they do not form part of module assessment and no individual will be identifiable in any reports / papers based on this evaluation. The University and those conducting this project subscribe to the ethical conduct of research and to the protection at all time of the interests, comfort, and safety of participants.
We ask you to agree to the following statement -
"Having been asked to participate in this research project, I understand that this question is requesting permission of the students, tutors, academic members of staff and e-learning development staff for the use of the data for research purposes. I give my permission for the survey results, usage data and interview transcripts, to be used for research."